Available software developed by our group (please, read this software license agreement carefully before downloading or using the software):
MATLAB code- Matrix exponential:
- Boosting the computation of the matrix exponential, J. Sastre, J. Ibáñez, E. Defez, Appl. Math. Comput. in press, 2018, Preprint, Matlab code expmpol.m. The most efficient code, based on new matrix polynomial evaluation methods (Preprint).
- A new efficient and accurate spline algorithm for the matrix exponential computation, Emilio Defez, Javier Ibáñez, Jorge Sastre, Jesús Peinado, Pedro Alonso. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Volume 337, pp. 354-365. August 2018. Preprint, Matlab code expmspl.m (slightly more accurate than exptaynsv3.m with higher cost).
- High performance computing of the matrix exponential, P. Ruiz, J. Sastre, J. Ibáñez, E. Defez, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 291, 2016, 370–379. Preprint. Matlab code exptaynsv3.
- Efficient orthogonal matrix polynomial based method for computing matrix exponential, J. Sastre, J. Ibáñez, E. Defez, P. Ruiz, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 217, 2011, 6451-6463, Matlab code dgeexfhrp.m.
- Matrix cosine:
- An efficient and accurate algorithm for computing the matrix cosine based on New Hermite approximations, E. Defez, J. Ibáñez, J. Peinado, J. Sastre and P. Alonso, J. Comput. Appl. Math. 348:1-13. Preprint, Matlab code cosmtayher.m.
- Two algorithms for computing the matrix cosine function, Jorge Sastre, Javier Ibáñez, Pedro Alonso Jesús Peinado, Emilio Defez. Applied Mathematics and Computation, Volume 312, pp. 66-77, November 2017, Preprint. Matlab code cosmtay.m.
- Efficient and Accurate Algorithms for Computing Matrix Trigonometric Functions, P. Alonso, J. Ibáñez, J. Sastre, J. Peinado, E. Defez, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Volume 309, pp. 325-332, Jan 2017, Preprint. Matlab code costaym.m.
- Efficient computation of the matrix cosine, J. Sastre, J. Ibáñez, P. Ruiz, E. Defez, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 219, 2013, 7575-7585. Matlab code costay.m
- Computing matrix functions arising in engineering models with orthogonal matrix polynomials, E. Defez, J. Sastre, J. Ibáñez, P. Ruiz, Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 57 (7-8), 2013, 1738-1743. Matlab code cosher.m
- Hyperbolic matrix cosine:
- Solving engineering models using hyperbolic matrix functions, Emilio Defez, Jorge Sastre, Javier Ibañez, Jesús Peinado. Applied Mathematical Modelling 40(4), Pages 2837–2844. February 2016. Preprint. Matlab code coshher.m.
- Matrix exponential:
- Matrix cosine:
- n efficient and accurate algorithm for computing the matrix cosine based on New Hermite approximations, E. Defez, J. Ibáñez, J. Peinado, J. Sastre and P. Alonso, J. Comput. Appl. Math. 348:1-13. Preprint. MATLAB/CUDA/CUBLAS code, available by request (jpeinado.at.dsic.upv.es).
- Efficient and Accurate Algorithms for Computing Matrix Trigonometric Functions, P. Alonso, J. Ibáñez, J. Sastre, J. Peinado, E. Defez, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Volume 309, pp. 325-332, Jan 2017, Preprint. MATLAB/CUDA/CUBLAS code, available by request (jpeinado.at.dsic.upv.es).
- A Fast Implementation of Matriz Trigonometric Functions Sine and Cosine, Pedro Alonso, Jesús Peinado, Javier Ibañez, Jorge Sastre, and Emilio Defez in the Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Computational and Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering, CMMSE 2017, 4-8 July, 2017. MATLAB/CUDA/CUBLAS code, available by request (jpeinado.at.dsic.upv.es).
- Hyperbolic matrix cosine:
- Solving engineering models using hyperbolic matrix functions, Emilio Defez, Jorge Sastre, Javier Ibañez, Jesús Peinado. Applied Mathematical Modelling 40(4), Pages 2837–2844. February 2016. Preprint. MATLAB/CUDA/CUBLAS code, available by request (jpeinado.at.dsic.upv.es).
- Matrix cosine:
- Matrix exponential:
- High performance computing of the matrix exponential, P. Ruiz, J. Sastre, J. Ibáñez, E. Defez, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 291, 2016, 370–379. Preprint. exptaynsv3 fortran code.
- Matrix exponential: